
Glaucoma Week 2018

March 15 2018

11 – 17 March 2018 marks World Glaucoma Week, designed to highlight the importance of having regular eye tests that can help diagnose glaucoma in its early stages.

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions where the optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain becomes damaged. In its early stages glaucoma doesn’t tend to have symptoms as it gradually develops over many years, affecting the edges of your vision first.

Many people do not realise that they have glaucoma and usually it is diagnosed during a routine eye test.

Mike Daw, CEO of the National Eye Research Centre, explained: “Detection rates are increasing over time, the symptomless nature of glaucoma in its early stages means that in 2050, almost two million people may be affected, but will probably be unaware that they may be heading towards permanent sight loss.”

If you’re concerned about your eye health or have noticed a change in your vision, including blurred vision or circles around bright lights, you should contact your optician as these can be symptoms of glaucoma.

far too many drivers who ignore any weakness in their vision, weakness that may well be glaucoma

Glaucoma Week 2018

It is recommended that you have an eye test every two years. Eye tests are an important health check that examine more than just your vision and can even detect underlying health issues such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

If you are a driver it is important that you make sure that your eyes are ‘road ready’.

Richard Burnett, Chief Executive of the Road Haulage Association (RHA), highlighted the importance of having regular eye tests: “Good eyesight is vital for any road user but for an HGV driver, their livelihood depends on it. Despite this, there are still far too many drivers who ignore any weakness in their vision, weakness that may well be glaucoma”.

Treatment of glaucoma cannot undo any loss of vision caused before diagnosis, but treatment can help prevent further damage to your vision.

For more information about World Glaucoma Week you can visit the official website at

If you have any concerns to do with glaucoma or other questions relating to your eye health, visit Clare Griffin Optometrists at the Morrisons Centre, Hatherley, Cheltenham or give us a call on 01242 504 800 to speak to our team who will be able to offer you friendly, professional advice.

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